Communication unBreakdown
Enhancing targeting for community organizing using supervised and reinforcement learning
Airline Delays and Weather
Building a data lake and distributed pipeline to predict flight delays using weather data
Best Time to Go!
A data-driven platform focused on using visualizations to help you plan your next ski trip
Predicting Support Ticket Criticality
Using sparse, imbalanced data and NLP to predict support ticket urgency
Do Advertisements Suppress Objective Decision Making?
Advertisements are everywhere, can they change how we make purchasing decisions?
Online Game Trade Engine
Building a cloud-based, scalable event-driven analytics pipeline to understand player trading behavior in a hypothetical online game
Fraud Detection
Using machine learning to detect fraudulent credit card transactions and money transfers
Newsgroup Topic Classification
An exercise in processing and feature engineering unstructured text data
Digit Recognition
A learning exercise in machine learning using the classic MNIST handwritten digit dataset